Synthesizing classic archetypal imagery with state-of-the-art electronic wizardry, Stevee Postman has created a deck that maps the modern psyche like no other before. Drawing equally from nature, myth, psychedelics, and contemporary neopagan culture, The Cosmic Tribe Tarot sparks to the fears, hopes and desires of a new generation. Without abandoning the traditional structure that has made the Tarot a successful divination tool for centuries, Postman charges his deck with erotic, mystical energy, showing that the modern tribal movement is at the heart a spiritual one. Never before has a Tarot so boldly reconnected the contemporary soul to the eternal cosmos.
The Cosmic Tribe is available as:
boxed set (6" x 9")
80 full color cards
208 page book with 90 b/w illustration
"This is a Tarot deck for the 21st century, full of imagery that is beautiful, provocative and stimulating. This deck will make you reconceive everything you thought you knew about Tarot."
Starhawk, author of The Spiral Dance and The Fifth Sacred Thing
"Stevee Postman is one of the best of a new generation of digital visionaries who have wedded occult spirituality with computer wizardry. Stevee's art has the convincing feel of one who has been to the other side and can harness the most sophisticated technology to articulate the patterns of infinity and archetypal powers which are the fabric of our divine imagination. His tarot deck should become an instant classic."
Alex Grey, artist and author of Sacred Mirrors
"You must see The Cosmic Tribe Tarot. Every card bursts with hallucinatory power and beauty. Stevee Postman has created a deck for our time and for the ages: sensual and often humorous, yes-but also deeply potent and magical."
Brian Williams, artist and author of The Renaissance Tarot and the The PoMo Tarot.
"This Tarot is truly beautiful, full of striking colors and patterns that move the spirit. It speaks to a new freedom and a new perception of self in the world through our relationship to others and to nature. It is open and imaginative, full of wild and tender love and transcendent experience. The Cosmic Tribe is awesome!"
Alexandra Genetti, artist and author of The Wheel Of Change Tarot